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S.P.A.R.E. Celebrates WAD 2012 in style

Submitted By: spare
Date Submitted: 12/22/2012 2:19 pm
Status: Approved
Views: 4660
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The World Animal Day 2012 for SPARE included several events, in addition to media coverage:

The first was an interview with Amina Abaza Egyptian ambassador for the world animal day with the national Egyptian channel (first channel) the name of the program was “you’re the first", they have filmed the shelter, our work with stray animals, with farm animals, with slaughterhouses and they have covered all our activities since 11 years.

The second event was on the 4th of October at 11 am, another interview with Amina Abaza on the Nile TV international, and it was about the world animal day and our problems in Egypt concerning animal welfare. The Nile TV remembered the day and called the Egyptian ambassador for the interview. Check the coverage here

The third event was on the 4th of October in the evening where a gathering was held at the premises of Mrs. Amina Abaza, which included all animal lovers and advocates along with SPARE's loyal donars. Among the attendees were Father Joachim and a German Priest to bless the Egyptian Animal Lovers.

The last event was held on the 6th of October in the shelter, as we invited a school with 28 girls to the shelter to play with the dogs and cats and interact with them. We were able to teach the kids how to love and respect animals and share with them World Animal Day celebration.

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