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The first cat - a pure traditional white odd eyed Persian was delivered by her rescuers as they couldn't keep her due to an over crowded house. She is between 5 -7 months, Spayed, Healthy and extremely Gentle. Unfortunately we can not keep her in our full cat shelter as we have a specific number of cats.

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Rescued Feral Cats' help, Spay and Neuter etc
On a daily basis, SPARE helps many animals that are brought in... Most are street rescues and'or belong to 'low income' individuals, those animals are helped for free, or extremely low cost. Spay and Neuter of Feral animals and pets is extremely crucial in the minimizing of suffering by ending births as well as the health benefits to the potential parents. Your constant support and kindness are what make all these possible.

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: 2 cats looking for URGENT fosters/adopters

Please note these cats are NOT at SPARE. "Hi All... We are looking for a new home for our cats, Amande and Lucy. Our daughter rescued them off the street, literally, when their eyes were just opening, nearly two years ago so we fed them with an eye dropper and then a doll bottle. Now we find ourselves about to embark on a year of traveling as we leave Egypt so we cannot bring them with us. We hope to find someone to adopt these two sociable characters whom we leave behind with much regret.

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SPARE's activities at a glance
Thanks to your constant support and donations, we are able to continuously offer help to those sentient beings in need, Especially free medical care to animals belonging to people of little means from the surrounding areas.

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SPARE urgently in need of a forever home - Channel

16 July 2014 This Cute and playful girl is Channel, Born approx 01/12/12 Channel was born a runt, one of 12 puppies born to a stray mother and GSD father. Her mother was poisoned by bait a a week or so after she gave birth. All later on died of starvation, except Channel that was rescued by a young man from the same neighborhood. She was hand raised by animal lovers and was weaned came to SPARE since.

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: Stray Dog culling in Egypt since time imemorial

Sadly no matter how many Petitions have been signed over the years, how many fake promises have been made by those incharge, the ugly situation of barbarically culling stray dogs in Egypt has remained the same. This is how they die; slowly, painfully and in terror... PLEASE EGYPTIANS ADOPT Egyptian Balady dogs. Stop buying pure breeds and encouraging breeders.

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Updates of Faith from his foster home in Canada
Here are updates from Faith's beautiful and kind foster family in Canada. He is doing very well and with their love, patience and understanding he will soon be a totally different, more trusting and confident dog. Thank you everyone for giving this beautiful dog a second chance. Hopefully one day Egyptians will learn to appreciate the Baladi cats and dogs that are simply 'diamonds in the rough' and be proud of their natural heritage.

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Animals are safe with us

We at SPARE know that loving an animal alone is not enough to give the animal the basic needs required to live a safe and free from abuse life. We highly understand the necessity to provide the animal with the five welfare freedoms.The welfare of an animal includes its physical and mental state and we consider that good animal welfare implies both fitness and a sense of well-being.

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GREAT NEWS! NEW TNR! millions will be saved!

The first school in Egypt to consider controlling their cat population using Trap Neuter Release.... Thank you British school AlRehab for your merciful and sensible approach towards managing your stray cat population. We would like to thank you for leading the way as the first school in Egypt to use TNR....We hope more schools will follow your lead in dealing with the large number of cats on their premises.

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Thank you from SPARE; visitors and gifts

A BIG thank you to Enrica Cola and her great friend Iris... Ron Verdonk;Mimi Verdonk, Rose Catsrcool Williams and Kerstin Groger for their amazing gifts. The Dogs are having a blast with the pool and ball, and the clinic cats are very grateful for the fan, litter, medications and food. Not to mention the 3 Elizabethan collars.

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SPARE's Available for adoption - Shehebar

This Black handsome boy is called "Shehebar". Soot in Arabic. He is a Balady Egyptian Dog. He was rescued in 2012 from the streets, by a family that cared for him, as an adult, when his pack was poisoned by the municipality. The vet at the time believed he was 2 years old approx, so around 2010 is his date of birth.

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SPARE's Available for adoption; Bella
Bella is approx 8 months old. She is a tan Egyptian balady girl. Bella was rescued as a 2 month old puppy from the street after her siblings were killed by cars. She is a bright, extremely playful and smart dog. She LOVES human interaction and gets on well with friendly puppies, dogs and tolerates cats. She is active and playful yet can be gentle and calm. Bella is up to date on her vaccines and neutered.She can be readied to travel anywhere.

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A cool and relaxing wet summer visit
It was a beautiful and relaxing day and the dogs had great fun with the pool that was generously donated for the dogs to cool off in in this wicked summer... The pooches had a blast both with the pool and by spending quality time with loving and caring humans. So did the cats. If you can donate fans quite a few, you would really help in easing the animals' lives during these horrible heat waves.

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SPARE's Available for adoption - Mozza
This princess is called Mozza. Sexy in Egyptian arabic loool She was born in August 2009 and rescued from the streets as a puppy. Mozza is extremely people friendly. She LOVES being cuddled and hugged. She is great with other friendly dogs, but can be possessive around dogs when "treats" are involved. She would love nothing more than to be around those she loves. She is fully vaccinated and neutered. She can travel anywhere...

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SPARE's available for adoption - Puppsy
This bi color Black and white boy is Called Puppsy. He was rescued as a 3 month old puppy in Feb 2012 from the streets from crossing a busy road with traffic. Puppsy is extremely handsome, playful and affectionate. He loves people and gets on great with friendly dogs. He loves to explore and yet can be a gentle companion. He is up to date on his vaccines and neutered. He can be readied to travel anywhere.

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MORE Humane education sessions at British school of Egypt
three sessions (ages 6, 10 and 11)of raising awareness and empathy towards animals in Egypt. Children were highly motivated and excited to learn about animal sentience and animal needs. Children were taught the concepts of Pet responsibility, animal abandonment , Pet care and animal cruelty at zoos and in the streets. SPARE knows that the future of animals of Egypt lies in the hands of young generations.... Do support our humane education programs so we can go to more and more schools all across Egypt. Thank you all.

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Rescued Black Kite
3 young men had rescued this poor abused Falcon from the horrible souk of Sayeda Aisha. It is now safe with Amina Tharwat Abaza. Amina Abaza sent emails to professionals in the fields of Raptors and wildlife and was advised on how to care for it until it's wings and tail heals and it can be safely released back in to the wild. PLEASE BOYCOTT and constantly REPORT this market. Souk El Sayeda Aisha (Friday Market)!!! Keep reporting them until hopefully the authorities completely shut it down!! It is a hell for all animals and wild life trafficking!!!

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SPARE's available for adoption - Panino

This handsome boy is called Panino. Panino was born in 2010. He came in as a 6 month old puppy rescued from the streets by SPARE's late employee Mrs. Mai. He was her pet, but sadly she passed away and Panino came to SPARE.

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Weekly activities at a glance
On a daily basis we receive rescue cases that need help or treatment. Residences from the surrounding areas bring their pets or working animals for treatment. Thanks to the trust and support of valuable animal lovers in Egypt and all over the world. We couldn't do it without your continuous belief and support. Thank you so much for making it possible to help them. They rely/depend on you...

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SPARE's visit to the "British School of Egypt"

As part of SPARE's on going "awareness" and "out reach" campaigns in spreading the; empathy, understanding and information regarding animals and their sufferings in our community, SPARE is proud to yet again collaborate with another school; British School of Egypt... A school dedicated to raising the "awareness" of their charges regarding animal welfare and humane treatment. SPARE headed by Noor Diab carried out three awareness sessions with 3 classes.

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Update: Maya Safe, Happy and LOVED in her new Home
amazing pictures showing how happy, relaxed and loved Maya is with Paul Stroucken and his family and esp her new siblings, White boy Frost and black girl, Bonnie.. and a beautiful blue cat. Thank you for these great Pictures. Mariska de Liefde Lia Theodoridis Asta Booij Sandra de JongSilvana Hulshof Alyaa Elossay Marwan Hisham Amina Tharwat Abaza Annelies Moolenaar Wanchi Marc Schuster.

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SPARE's available for Adoption - Titi (Nefertiti)
DOB August 2012 Egyptian short haired cat Bicolor Black n White Female. She was rescued as a Kitten from burning trash in the village around SPARE shelter by one of the staff. Extremely Courageous. Fearless. Gets along with Cats and Dogs. Loves to play and cuddle but only when she feels like it... Looks smaller than her age! Extremely adorable and funny...

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Maya the blind and partly deaf Dane finally safe in Holland

Thanks to everybody who made this a reality for a very unfortunate great dane who is blind and partly deaf. Since the day she was taken to the shelter she has captured the hearts of so many people. for months many people worked together to find a home for beautiful Maya. She is now safe and happy in her new home in Holland. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everybody who gave Maya her second chance in life.

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Trixie and Satota - Sisters reunited!

Recap. Trixie, Satota and their brother Snowball where rescued by animal lover and rescuer Wanchi and Tracy.. after children torturing them, cut their tails off and dumped them in garbage... They where rushed to SPARE. sadly after a short while, Snowball's fragile system and young agae shutdown and he passed on. Trixie andSatota fought on and lived to become beautiful and amazing girls.

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SPARE's awareness day at El Alsson School
Schools that constantly encourage Compassion to both Humans and animals- El Alsson School. Today SPARE had a great day with the almost 100 students of the Year one classes at El Alsson School. It was a great and fun initiative that helped open the eyes of the young audience to the realization that animals actually are not that different from us when it comes to feeling, pain, hunger, fear etc... Through a multimedia presentation, explanations and fun show and tell and Q and A.

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