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Tail cut off

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Mashakels was attacked by a butcher so severly he couldn’t urinate or defecate

This is the story of Mashakels, a poor stray puppy that was horribly tortured by a ruthless butcher in 15th of May City.

The sick and sadistic butcher, known for his intolerance and hatred of street dogs, took this helpless puppy and decided to chop his little tail off!

The amputation was so severe, the puppy could not go to the bathroom!

Luckily, Mashakels was rescued by Marie Antoinette Castelli. Marie found him in the street being prodded with sticks by young boys. She immediately took him in and started treating his oozing wounds.

The puppy was rushed in to the Shelter for proper treatment.

Despite the pain and mistreatment Mashakels had to go through, he is still upbeat and as cute as a button.

He was aptly given the name "Mashakels" (meaning troublesome or mischievous in Arabic). He found a loving home in 2008, thanks to S.P.A.R.E. friend Julie Dodd.

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